About the Journal
The Society of Research Administrators International (SRA International) is the premier global research management society providing education, professional development and the latest comprehensive information about research management to professionals from over 40 countries.
In this time of increasing international research collaborations, SRA International maintains the largest network of research managers in the world. Being part of this growing vibrant network gives you access to the changing research management landscape and fosters relationships among collaborating institutions.
SRA International’s major strength is its diversity. We are the only research management society in the world whose membership spans the entire spectrum of research institutions including: colleges and universities, research hospitals and institutes, government agencies, non-profit funders of research, and industry.
Whether you are a Vice President for Research, a mid-level research manager or new to the profession, and you are responsible for pre- or post-award grant and contract administration, regulatory compliance, technology transfer, or clinical trials management, SRA International is your reliable source for education and professional development.
The diversity of our members, member organizations and program offerings make us the premier research management society.
Vision: To be the premier international resource for excellence in research management, administration and development of the profession.
Mission: To develop, define and promote international best practices in research management, administration, knowledge transfer and growth of the research enterprise.
Motto: Supporting advances in research worldwide.